A Cartoonist for our Age


Democracy UnderSiege, White Washing. Courtesy of AnnTelnaes

A cartoonist must be a master of shorthand and imagination, able to swiftly accentuate human traits that everyone can recognise, and with limited brush strokes. There is always an element of truth in the portrayal of a person for a cartoon to work and, of course, it must be funny. Cartoonists are essentially working for all of us, the people in “we the people”, bringing a shorthand and often a much needed humorous perspective to current affairs.

Acclaimed editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes is undoubtably one of the greatest of our time. She has teamed up with film director Laura Nix in a new film Democracy Under Siege. The role of the cartoonist at any newspaper is to shine a light on those in power, holding them accountable for their actions, regardless of party affiliation. Cartoons by Telnaes take aim at both sides of the aisle, depending on whose behaviour warrants illumination.

Democracy Under Siege Courtesy of AnnTelnaes

Democracy under Siege is a stinging account of the past decades of politics. Telnaes and Nix sum up where they believe we are and how we got here.

“Audiences realize that no one is coming to save us”, Laura said. “Certainly not the courts; not Congress. After they screen the film, audiences always want to talk about what they can do now, immediately. They realize each of us IS the course change. Many of them want to be ambassadors for the film, to bring it to their cinemas. That’s the point of the film — to see that what we are going through now was built into the founding of the country.”

Democracy Under Siege Courtesy of AnnTelnaes + Laura Nix

Since making this film Ann Telnaes left her position at The Washington Post after being censored by her editors for her cartoon depicting tech giants (including the Washington Post owner, Jeff Bezos) supplicating themselves at the feet of Trump. 

Holding powerful feet to the fire in a humorous way is a necessary and imperative tool to bring conversation to the table and to keep democracy healthy. Today is International Women’s Day, and we thank Telnaes and Nix for their art and courage. They play an important role in our society, keeping the press free, citizens informed and all done with good humour. Telnaes and Nix prove that the pen is always mightier than the sword.

Go and see the film and draw your own conclusions. Pun very much intended!


Cartoonist Ann Telnaes + Director Laura Nix

+ most importantly… what can you do?

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