

The world according to mary lee

TwistedLamb is the brainchild of Mary Lee. Waving her gothic wand, she paints pictures that hold the fire of the forbidden. Intoxicating darkness drips through her work and we lap it up. It’s an aesthetic that will never go out of fashion, the avant-garde visionary that makes life whirl out of the shadows and into our consciousness.

Mary Lee often works with photographer Julia Comita to push the boundaries of their shared aesthetic, gothic surrealism. Together they form the formidable duo Comita+Lee.

The Lab Mag delved into the creative life of Mary Lee and here’s what she had to say:

LAB MAG Tell us a bit of your story; what are the life moments that made you?

MARY LEE I was raised by an eccentric mother that thrived on travel, unconventional thinking, and Jesus Christ. While she was pregnant with me she discovered she had cancer and our journey together turned into a big story. I was declared a "miracle baby" within the Christian faith. A book and movie was made called "Walking Through the Fire."


LAB MAG Who or what influenced you most when you were starting out?

MARY LEE Horses are the greatest influence and life teacher to me. I am obsessed with everything horses. They have given so much of who I am and I'll forever be that pony-crazed-girl. 

LAB MAG What are the most incredible things about living in California?

MARY LEE The feeling of being a pioneer woman in a modern day society.


LAB MAG What are the most significant things you have brought back from your travels?

MARY LEE From Mongolia I brought back these herdman jackets called Dels which I adore. 


LAB MAG What is the key to good art direction?

MARY LEE Be concise about your message.

LAB MAG Tell us about the ethos of TwistedLamb. What makes your company tick?

MARY LEE I wish to inspire others through the storytelling of the experiences I’ve had. 

LAB MAG Describe a future you hope for and a future you fear.

MARY LEE I hope for a future where people put TikTok down and create individuality with their personal time, and I fear this will not happen.

LAB MAG What are you working on right now?

MARY LEE I am currently working on an equestrian photography series using infrared photography.

LAB MAG Best advice you've ever been given? Worst advice?

MARY LEE Best advice - Eat organic

Worst advice - You should go on a cruise ship.

LAB MAG What motto do you live by?

MARY LEE Embrace change.


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