Drive-in Dance




There was a time when you were so close you could hear the gentle thud as the dancers touched the ground, you could see the sweat on their brow and their pumping hearts heave as they flew from one incredible position to another. Then came Covid and everyone entered a new reality. Choreographers had to think a little differently and in LA the drive-in dance performance was born. If you are lucky enough to live here, book at ticket and find out what happens when you go Solo at dusk.


Then re-book for their next world premiere The Betweens immediately

And for those who aren’t in L.A.


For those who cannot hitch a ride, don’t despair, here is a particularly heartfelt moment at the beginning of Covid 19, when Paris Opera’s self isolating ballet dancers performed a sequence from Romeo and Juliet to Prokofiev’s ‘The Dance of the Knights

Appearing in their homes, their bedrooms, their baths… in honor of the frontline French workers.

Arabesque’s & masks all round.
