




LADP continues to push the boundaries of dance inviting exciting companies to perform at their space.

Gisele Vienne’s CROWD was no exception.

Normally seen in the theatre, the LA crowd was lucky enough to experience a twist. What made this performance so riveting was that it took place outside in the leftover muddy puddles of a recent rainfall and the hard surface of a parking lot. A left over from the days of Covid when LADP presented dances outside.

It was the perfect setting for a rave, bad ass and beautiful.

Two slow cars rolled into the carpark as a lone girl dressed to party made her way in slow motion across the parking lot. Everything from here on in is slow mo. Music pumping and the slowed down rave began as multitudes of dancers joined the party. There was only one moment in the dance when this trance like state is broken, a crescendo in the stillness that you find yourself longing for.

Violence and sex present in every moment as dancers stopped their slow motion frenetic dance to pass the focus from a violent incident to an act of passion. Loneliness in a crowd as one girl struggled to fit in handed over to another vignette portraying lovers betrayal and lust. A lost bag, a dropped piece of clothing, the litter of youth sprayed with lack of care across the stage, mirroring the thump thump thump of hedonism. On and on it went, dipping in and out of being young and beautiful, exploring the nuances of hunting for a good time at any expense.

Keep an eye out. Vienne and her troupe travel the world, so if they come to your town next, book that all elusive ticket.

Keep an eye out. Vienne and her troupe travel the world, so if they come to your town next, book that all elusive ticket.